For Poisoning Questions or Emergencies, Call


Drugs of Abuse

Sadly, most deaths from poisoning in Florida now involve drugs of abuse, whether misused prescription medication, illegal drugs, or a combination of both. Some of the most common and deadly illegal drugs seen by poison centers are described below. Several callers describe using many drugs simultaneously. Combining multiple drugs increases the risk of serious poisoning and death. Calls to poison centers are always confidential and our goal is to save lives. In cases of emergency, poison centers will tell a caller if they need to call 911.

Poison control centers also assist emergency medical personnel in treating drug overdoses or assessing patients exposed to drugs of abuse. Medical toxicologists are available 24/7 for physician consultations.

For more details about poisoning in Florida, see the Florida Department of Health report from the Injury Prevention Program or the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Drugs in Deceased Person Report.

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